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How I became a copywriter

Photo by James Wheeler

I’ll be honest and say that I used to think marketing and sales sounded boring. My brother studied both in college and has been a successful sales representative for several companies on the East Coast for many years, but it always seemed so far from my interests.

How did I get here – writing about my path to copywriting on my website?

You grow wiser with age, right?

Perhaps, but my wisdom came from growing professionally and intellectually, during which I saw how connected different professions are. My roles in education all directly involved communication; with my colleagues, students, and potential students. Whether it was presenting teaching ideas, a new topic, or myself as a teacher, I was selling something. I needed to understand my audience and their needs, consult others through research and interviews, and then create the best materials and lessons that would help my audience achieve their success.

Reflecting on those moments from the present, as a copywriter, I can say with confidence that I follow the same process when I write engaging copy that sells for my clients.

Photo by 祝 鹤槐

Let’s return to the moment I made my transition from education into copywriting. Towards the end of my teaching career, I began to move out of classroom teaching into management and materials design roles. I enjoyed it despite there being certain challenges. Then came February 2022 and Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

I can’t avoid the war, because it had a direct impact on myself and my family. At the time I was living in St. Petersburg, Russia, and a month after the war began, we decided to leave the country. I went back to teaching full-time online, but the time requirements and sitting convinced me I didn’t want to keep doing that.

And so the search began for opportunities that would allow me to work remotely, on a flexible schedule, and engage my creative side.

Enter copywriting and editing.

Over the Summer of 2022, I had some interviews and began moving away from teaching, and in August 2022, I made the transition. Since then, I’ve been writing engaging copy, researching target audiences, and working with existing texts to make them more appropriate for the task at hand.

It’s been and still is a challenging journey, but I do not regret making the change. I am happy with how my education career progressed, and I bring all the knowledge, skills, and abilities I gained while teaching and managing teachers to my copywriting.

Most of all, I enjoy putting my creativity to work every time I write.

Contact me to see how I can put my creativity to work for you!